In the Great Blue Land of Oceania live the best friends - the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They play, learn, and explore the world all day long! All Moriki, like children, love to walk in any weather. If it's raining outside, there's no reason to be upset - just put on the Funny submarine raincoat from Moriki Doriki with a submarine image and go! It's comfortable to move around in and stay dry in the rain. Size: Free Size - suitable for heights from 110 to 150 cm.
In the Great Blue Land of Oceania live the best friends - the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They play, learn, and explore the world all day long! All Moriki, like children, love to walk in any weather. If it's raining outside, there's no reason to be upset - just put on the Funny submarine raincoat from Moriki Doriki with a submarine image and go! It's comfortable to move around in and stay dry in the rain. Size: Free Size - suitable for heights from 110 to 150 cm.
It is recommended to dry the raincoat after each use.