For which purchases are bonus points accrued?
Bonus points are accrued for each purchase on the portion paid with cash or a gift certificate. Bonus points are not accrued for the purchase of gift certificates and payment for delivery services.
How many bonus points will be accrued?
With each purchase 5% in LETOILE retail stores, DOLCE MILK retail stores and in the online store of the cost of each item on the receipt after accounting for all discounts. Rounding of the Bonus accrual amount occurs upwards to the nearest whole number. If there are several items in the receipt from the same category, for example, several skincare products, then 5% of Bonus points for purchases in LETOILE retail chain stores and DOLCE Milk retail stores will be calculated from the total purchase amount of items from that category.
A minimum of 1 bonus point can be accrued for a single purchase.
Additional promotional bonus points may be accrued for a purchase, and the rules for their accrual and redemption are specified in the promotion terms.
Will bonus points be accrued for the purchase of a gift certificate?
Bonus points are not accrued for the purchase of a gift certificate
Is there a minimum purchase amount to accrue bonus points?
Bonus points will be accrued for any purchase amount. There is no minimum threshold.
Will bonus points be accrued if bonus points were redeemed during the purchase?
Bonus points will be accrued for the portion of the purchase paid with cash or a gift certificate.
What are active and inactive bonus points?
Bonus points are accrued as inactive for a purchase. Bonus points are activated within 24 hours after accrual (but not earlier than 8 hours after the purchase). After activation, bonus points are available for redemption. Active bonus points can be used for purchases if the customer has filled out the club card form.