In the vast blue country of Oceania live the best friends – the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They spend their days playing, learning, and discovering the world! Meet one of them up close: Lana – a teacher and an incredibly caring friend! Lana loves playing with her pets and changing her hair color. Today, she's in a romantic mood with pearl-colored hair! The Lana Strawberry Bath Foam turns the bathing process into an exciting bubble game. The product forms a thick, pleasant foam and colors the water in a light pink shade. True magic! Strawberry extract moisturizes, tones, and nourishes the skin. Recommended for children from 3 years old.
In the vast blue country of Oceania live the best friends – the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They spend their days playing, learning, and discovering the world! Meet one of them up close: Lana – a teacher and an incredibly caring friend! Lana loves playing with her pets and changing her hair color. Today, she's in a romantic mood with pearl-colored hair! The Lana Strawberry Bath Foam turns the bathing process into an exciting bubble game. The product forms a thick, pleasant foam and colors the water in a light pink shade. True magic! Strawberry extract moisturizes, tones, and nourishes the skin. Recommended for children from 3 years old.
Consumer category
for children
Add the necessary amount of product to the water and whisk under running water. After bathing, rinse your body with warm water.