MORIKI DORIKI Children's Coloring Book MORIKI WORLD 1 piece
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1 piece
MORIKI DORIKI Children's Coloring Book MORIKI WORLD 1 piece
مشاركة الرابط
تم نسخ رابط المنتج!
اضافة الى المفضلة
تم نسخ مقالة المنتج!
غير متوفر في المخزون
غير متوفر في المخزون
Product description
In the Great Blue Country of Oceania live the best friends – the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They spend their days playing, learning, and discovering the world! All Morikis, like all children, love to color. The MORIKI WORLD coloring book is an exciting world of Morikis that every child can make special and unique. It develops imagination and fine motor skills. We recommend using the coloring book together with MORIKI DORIKI pencils.
In the Great Blue Country of Oceania live the best friends – the sea creatures Moriki Doriki. They spend their days playing, learning, and discovering the world! All Morikis, like all children, love to color. The MORIKI WORLD coloring book is an exciting world of Morikis that every child can make special and unique. It develops imagination and fine motor skills. We recommend using the coloring book together with MORIKI DORIKI pencils.